But, if you are thinking about switching from an iPhone to an Android phone, this process is not one that is that easy. While it is common for people to continue with Android or iOS, more people are choosing to swap completely. In particular, Android is winning for a lot of people. However, the trouble is making sure that you do not lose any of the apps you have or precious photos, messages and contacts. Well, the good news is, it seems like Google is working on a solution to this problem.
Rumors are Pointing to an App in Development
You know how quickly rumors can get around on the internet. While some of them are true, others can be far from the truth. A lot of the time, you have to read between the lines and take everything with a pinch of salt. Well, the latest rumors that you will find online surrounding an app for switching from iPhone to Android. This is thought to be called ‘Switch to Android’. So, there is definitely going to be no mistake when it comes to what this app is going to be used for. Right now, if you have an iPhone, it is difficult for you to switch to Android. But, there are many reasons why you might want to make the switch. This could be to enjoy a better camera or so that you can play online casino games on a bigger screen. Of course, you can purchase a new smartphone. But, when it comes to transferring all of your data, this is when it gets complicated. For people that are tech-savvy and know what they are doing, it is possible to transfer everything you need to an Android device. But, it is not going to be easy for everyone. It is also time-consuming and a lot of effort. Simply, it should not be this difficult. So, this is where ‘Switch to Android’ is supposed to come in. This is going to be an app that makes this process seamless. So, instead of the hassle of downloading everything to Google Drive and then onto your new smartphone, you can simply use this app for the process. It appears that all users are going to need to transfer all of their data on their two devices, as well as having a stable and trustworthy Wi-Fi connection. Note that rumors seem to confirm that you are still going to lose iMessage when you switch to Android and even if you use this app. But, since you are going to be losing it anyway if you use the current method of transferring all of your information, it is not going to change anything. This is something that you have to be willing to sacrifice if you want to switch your smartphone from an iOS device to Android. It is thought that this app is going to be made available on the Apple App Store. But, it is important to remember that this is a rumor that it is under development. There is no official news just yet of this happening. So, it is hard to tell when or if this new app will be made available. We will all have to wait until Google makes an official announcement and this is likely to confirm or deny the rumors.
How You Can Switch Using Google Drive
If you are thinking about moving from an iOS device to Android, you are going to be looking forward to this app. It will make your life a lot easier. But, there is no confirmation yet if the rumors are true or when it will be released. So, if you are prepared to wait, then this is not going to be a problem. But, if you are looking to switch your devices now, you may be wondering how you can make the switch without losing images, videos and other information you have on your smartphone right now. Well, there is a way to do it. But, you will have to concentrate and follow the instructions carefully. To begin with, have your two devices ready. This includes charging them so that they have a full battery. Then, you want to download the Google Drive app onto your phone. You can log in and open the app, selecting backup to transfer all of your important information onto Google Drive. Then, on your new Android device, login to Google Drive and start manually transferring all of the data. This is one of the few ways you can transfer data right now.